
Showing posts from September, 2024

Interface Protocols

Protocols – Uses for communication with devices Communication are different types  Intra – Communication between two devices within device                             Ex: I2C, SPI Inter – Communication between two devices                              Ex: CPU & Microcontroller, UART Simplex Duplex - One way communication ex: Fm Half Duplex - Two-way communication but only receive or transfer at a time ex: walkie talkie Full Duplex - Two-way communication at a time ex: Mobile Synchronous - Will use clock signal to send or receive any data Asynchronous - Need to maintain same frequency while transferring and receiving using clock signal UART – U niversal A synchronous R eceive and T ransmitter We will transfer data using serial communication  It will use two wires Rx & Tx It is synchronous communication to transfer data Parity Bit is used to check whether data is correct or not at receiver end Even Parity – No of ‘1’ in data even Odd Parity – No of ‘1’ in data odd Uses Bau