Interface Protocols

Protocols – Uses for communication with devices

Communication are different types 

  • Intra – Communication between two devices within device

                       Ex: I2C, SPI

  • Inter – Communication between two devices 

                       Ex: CPU & Microcontroller, UART

  1. Simplex Duplex - One way communication ex: Fm
  2. Half Duplex - Two-way communication but only receive or transfer at a time ex: walkie talkie
  3. Full Duplex - Two-way communication at a time ex: Mobile
  4. Synchronous - Will use clock signal to send or receive any data
  5. Asynchronous - Need to maintain same frequency while transferring and receiving using clock signal

UART – Universal Asynchronous Receive and Transmitter

  • We will transfer data using serial communication 
  • It will use two wires Rx & Tx
  • It is synchronous communication to transfer data
  • Parity Bit is used to check whether data is correct or not at receiver end
  • Even Parity – No of ‘1’ in data even
  • Odd Parity – No of ‘1’ in data odd
  • Uses Baud rate of 115200 bps, 96000 bps


  • When Baud Rate differs will be mismatch in data
  • It will used only short-range communications 

SPI – Serial Peripheral Interface

It uses Master & Slave terminology and uses parallel communication
  • MISO - Master In, Slave Out
  • MOSI - Master Out, Slave In
  • SCLK - Serial Clk (Always Master generates the clock)
  • CS/SS - Chip select/ Slave Select
  • CPOL - Clock Polarity - Decides data Format
  • Cphase - Clock Phase - Decides when bits need to be transferred by tx & when bits need to be received by Rx

We can connect one master to multiple slaves, but we cannot use multiple master

  • No stop bits & start bits, So data transferred will be faster 
  • Higher data transfer rate
  • Full Duplex
  • Without interruption transfer the data
  • We cannot sure whether data transferred proper or not
  • Single master
  • No Acknowledgement pin

I2C – Inter Integrated Circuit
  • Half duplex communication
  • Serial communication
  • Synchronous mode

It has unique address
Start – 7 or 10bitaddress – 1 bit read/write – 1bit Ack – 8 bits data – 1bit ack – 8 bits data –– 1bit Ack – 1bit stop


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