Binary representation of numbers
Binary representation of numbers In this we will learn how to represent a number in Binary format, Octa, Hex formats 1 - 0001 6 - 0110 11 - 1011 (B) 2 - 0010 7 - 0111 12 - 1100 (C) 3 - 0011 8 - 1000 13 - 1101 (D) 4 - 0100 9 - 1001 14 - 1110 (E) 5 - 0101 10 - 1010 (A) 15 - 1111 (F) Ex 1: Represent 56 in binary format 56 - (2^5) * 1 + (2^4) * 1 + (2^3) * 1 + (2^2) * 0 + (2^1) * 0 + (2^0) * 0 - (111000) Ex 2: Represent -56 in binary format There are multiple ways to represent negative numbers in binary format 1) With sign magnitude, Generally sign bit - 1 -> Negative numbers sign bit - 0 -> Positive numbers 3 - 00000011 -3 - 10000011 2) Using 2's complement -47 -> 1) binary representation of Positive 47 - 101111 2) pad the bits based on format -> 00101111 3) Invert the bits -> 110